Rabu, 05 Juni 2013


  • People tend to laugh on stupid things. Who is the one to decide what's "too much"? And people who laughs a lot can be happy. even "deep inside". This is individual.
  • Weakness is not measured in the amount of tears you can shed.
  • When someone cries a lot the main causes are hormonal imbalance or low glucose.
  • When a person sleps more than normal he or she is sick/depressed/tired or have been taking some kind of drug that makes you sleepy. Amount of sleep is not directly linked to loneliness
  • Not necessarily. If a person eats in an abnormal way it's more likely that she/he has an eating disoder.
  • When someone asks about you when she/he's busy, that person is polite/sneaky/annoying/caring. Depending on the situation and the kind of relation you have.

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