Kamis, 21 April 2016


Question Subject Verb Agreement And Error Analysis

Choose a, b, c, or d for the correct answer to complete each sentence.

1. ..... Pamela and Johs sleep at class?

a. Do

b. Does

c. They

d. Was

answer : a

2. He .... like to go camping

a. Doesn’t

b. Do

c. Don’t

d. Aren’t

answer : a

3. There ... many ways to say “sorry”

a. Are

b. Is

c. Was

d. Isn’t

answer : a

4. One of her friend .... like Minnie Mouse

a. Don’t

b. Doesn’t

c. Were

d. Aren’t

answer : b

5. The central office manager, along with his two assistant, … left the room.

a. Have

b. Do

c. Has

d. Was

answer : a

6. Christine... have time to play with her friend

a. Do

b. Don’t

c. Doesn’t

d. Is

answer : c

7. ....there any shopping malls in you town?

a. Are

b. Is

c. Do

d. Does

answer : a

8. There .... any good restaurant around here

a. Is

b. Was

c. Have

d. Aren’t

answer : d

9. .... people walk everywhere?

a. Do

b. Does

c. Is

d. Are

answer : a

10. The black dress ... coolest

a. Is

b. Are

c. Has

d. Does

answer : a

Revise the incorrect words. Make the verbs agree with the subject

11. Kain Tapis are covered with silver and gold embroidery. (is)

12. Keraktelor a savory Betawi snack, does not difficult to maked. (is, make)

13. We all know that traffic jams has become a common sight in cities everywhere. (have)

14. The flying vehicle look simpel but it have an elegant, futuristic design. (looks, has)

15. Designer jeans is definitely a lot much comfortable. (are)

16. He’s tall, and he had short blonde hair. (has)

17. There are a coffee shop across the street, but there isn’t any Internet cafes. (is, aren't)

18. Does I really want to sleep in a hotel made of ice? (do)

19. Tom and I were heading west to Perth. (are)

20. I was going to do some sightseeing and visit art galleries. (am)

21. Does you remember Brent and Todd from our college Japanese class? (do)

22. I am late yesterday because the bus were crowded. (was, was)

23. Before I join the Smarts band, I am a drummer with another band. (was)

24. The mayor and his friends is going to jail. (are)

25. English are spoken in many countries. (is)

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